You can also make tribe levels.In doing this you can create a system where certain people can’t access items or storage boxes with all your BPs and good items, Instead you can use the tribe levels to your advantage by making it so you have to be a high tribe level to access the Storage box or pathway to the storage box such as an airlock. Distribute key Items and Pin Codes to provide access to your shared village! Promote members to Tribe Admins to reduce the burden of management. Your tribe members will also be able to re-spawn at any of your home spawn points. In ARK: Survival Evolved create a Tribe and add your friends to it, and all your Creatures can be commanded by and allied to anyone in your Tribe. 3.2.2 Additional Features of Tribe Alliances on a PvP server.2.3.2 Personally Owned, Tribe Snap, Admin Demolish.2.1.3 Personally Owned, Personally Ridden.